High Availability Architecture with AWS CLI

Mohamed Furqan
2 min readMar 15, 2021

In order to launch an Instance we need to Create Key-pair , Security-Groups

So In order to provide an persistent storage we need an EBC Volume created and later it will mounted to Webserver default location.

Creating an S3 Bucket

Now lets upload an image to bucket

Now Lets Create Cloud Front for S3 Bucket for security and Low Latency for the web contents

Now lets launch an instance with Webserver configured .

Here I am using User data during the instance launch to configure webserver.

Script File

yum update -y
yum install httpd
service httpd start
chkconfig httpd on

Now Attaching the EBS Volume created for persistent storage.

Now Format the EBS Volume and Mount the Volume to Default Webserver Location

Now add the cloud front link to the html file for low latency content delivery.

Now the Setup is done

